Camp Lewis, located outside of Tacoma, was the Army's largest training camp during WWI and was the training site for the 91st Division. Like other U.S. Infantry Divisions during WWI, the 91st Division had approximately 25,500 men. Most of the men were draftees from eight Western states.
Camp Lewis finished the 1917 season with a 5-1-2, including a loss in the 1918 Rose Bowl. Their game-by-game results follow.
10/13/17 | Camp Lewis 0 | Washington State 0 | @ Tacoma Stadium
10/27/17 | Camp Lewis 0 | 316th Sanitary Train 0 | @ Tacoma Stadium
11/3/17 | Camp Lewis 20 | Oregon State Frosh 0 | @ Multnomah Field, Portland
11/10/17 | Camp Lewis 0 | Mare Island 13 | @ Tacoma Stadium
11/17/17 | Camp Lewis 10 | Multnomah AC 3 | @ Multnomah Field, Portland
11/23/17 | Camp Lewis 49 | Chemawa Indian School 0 | @ Camp Lewis
11/29/17 | Camp Lewis 14 | U. Washington NTS 13 | @ Tacoma Stadium
12/8/17 | Camp Lewis 53 | Fort Stevens 0 | @ Camp Lewis
1/1/18 | Camp Lewis 7 | Mare Island 10 | @ Tournament Park, Pasadena (1918 Rose Bowl)
The roster lists the soldiers that played in games or practiced with the team is below. Many players continued their college careers after the war.
Austin, Charles Allphin | B | Stanford rugby ’15-‘16
Bartlett, William Kenneth ‘Ken’ | RT | Oregon ‘14-‘16, ‘19
Bynon, Allan Alfred | End | Willamette ’16
Christensen/Christy, Anker Lawrence | RG | Montana State ‘15-’16, ’19
Cook, Samuel ‘Sam’ | LT | Oregon ’13-‘14, Montana ‘15
Craig, Harry John | FB | Wyoming ’13-‘16
Damkroger, Ernest Leapart | RT | Springfield ’15-‘16
Dear, Bandini | UNK | Alhambra HS (CA)
Dee, Emmet Lawrence 'Skimmett' | End | Butte HS (MT) ’14-'15, Montana State ‘19
Frolich, A. T | L | Unknown
Gard, Frank Jacob ‘Deke’ | End | Stanford rugby ’10-‘13
Gougar, Edward Eugene | L | None
Green, Harry Melvin | C/G | Utah State ‘12-‘14
Guisto, Louis Joseph | B | St. Mary’s (CA) ’12-‘15
Hastings, (Unknown) | L |Unknown
Holden, William Forrest | G/T | Oregon ’11-’13
Hollywood, Walter Parks | L | Santa Monica HS ’12; USC ’14
Hunter, Frederick Preston ‘Jumbo’ | T | Washington State ’08-’10
Huntley, Floyd Jerry ‘Peck’ | LE | Oregon State ’09-’10, '13-‘14
Kapple, Charles Dixon ‘Dick’ | QB/HB | Utah State ’13, ’15-‘16
Keck, Walter McHewell | C/G | Oregon State ’09-’11
Lane, Charles David ‘Truck’ | C/G | California ‘17
Lenz, Harry Brewer ‘H.B.’ or ‘Pete’ | QB | Occidental ‘13-’15, UC-Santa Barbara baseball ‘16
Luis, Franklin Alfred | B | Stanford ’09-’12, Arizona ’12-‘15
Lynch, Emzy Harvey | T | Arizona ’14-‘16, ’19
MacRae, Raymond D. | RE | Willamette ’10-12
Maguire, Alfred Leo | QB/B | California ‘12’-‘15
McKay, Douglas Cameron | LHB | North Dakota ’13-‘16
McKinney, Ward Frank | HB | Oregon ‘16, ‘19
McLoughlin/McLaughlin, (Unknown) UNK | Unknown
Millard, L. C. | UNK | Unknown
Monteith, Thomas Orville | FB | Oregon ’14-‘16
Olsen, O. C. | UNK | Unknown
Patterson, 'Pat' | HB | Unknown
Quill, Carl John ‘C.J.' | End | None
Rheinschild, George William | T | Loyola Marymount ’07-’09, Georgetown ’11-‘12
Romney, Ernest Lowell ‘Dick’ | RHB | Utah ’14-‘16
Rowland, Raymond Holliday | FB | Willamette ’10-‘13
Russell, William Alexander | C | California ‘13-’16
Sewell, Edward Granville | LT | California ’16, ‘19
Sharp, LeRoy Bassett ‘Roy’ | HB/QB | California ’14-‘16
Snyder, William Carroll | LG | Oregon '14-'16
Taylor, (Unknown) | UNK | Unknown
Turner, Charles E. | LE | Texas ’13-’15
Warner, (Unknown) | UNK | Unknown
A profile of each player is available in the book, Fields of Friendly Strife.