To align its products with the healthy, All-American lifestyle, Kellogg’s promoted college sports in the 1930s. Among their sponsorships was Kellogg's College Prom Night, a coast-to-coast NBC radio show on Friday nights in 1935 and 1936. It mixed Big Band music and college sports in a big 'ol cereal bowl.
College Prom Night featured guests in multiple locations, unlike many era shows. The half-hour show delivered Ruth Etting's voice from Hollywood and the strains of Red Nichols' ensemble from Radio City Music Hall in New York City.
Mixed in with the music, Les Quailey interviewed top sportswriters and coaches about football nationwide or their upcoming game, with episodes featuring:
Stanley Woodward, NY Herald Tribune; Arch Ward, Chicago Tribune; and Bill Henry, LA Times
Tom Hamilton, Navy
Pop Warner, Temple
Andy Kerr, Colgate
Lou Little, Columbia
Jock Sutherland, Pitt
Little known today, Quailey made his fame as the in-booth assistant to Ted Husing, a top sports announcer of the 1930s, with Quailey often described as football's first “spotter.”
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