Mystery surrounds a 1920s West Point Cavalry Detachment football team. This story reveals more about the team, their opponents, and a championship trophy.
I am currently researching and writing a history of the Black Cavalry Detachment at West Point, 1907-1947. I contributed to the Washington Post article back in 2021. Would it be possible to connect so I might get a look at some of your source material? You've found some great material and I have bios on the individuals you list. I would happily give you credit in the endnotes and in the forward of my book. I have some records of the Cavalry Detachment team playing baseball and basketball against the Tenth Cavalry teams. The Tenth Cavalry was the other Buffalo Soldiers cavalry regiment and was stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont from 1909 to 1913. You can see my other books on the Buffalo Soldiers at My email is Thanks, Brian
I am currently researching and writing a history of the Black Cavalry Detachment at West Point, 1907-1947. I contributed to the Washington Post article back in 2021. Would it be possible to connect so I might get a look at some of your source material? You've found some great material and I have bios on the individuals you list. I would happily give you credit in the endnotes and in the forward of my book. I have some records of the Cavalry Detachment team playing baseball and basketball against the Tenth Cavalry teams. The Tenth Cavalry was the other Buffalo Soldiers cavalry regiment and was stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont from 1909 to 1913. You can see my other books on the Buffalo Soldiers at My email is Thanks, Brian