Football history generally focuses on the stars, the winners, and the championship teams from prominent programs. But those people and teams are exceptions. Most who have ever played football toiled in obscurity, even if they were local stars. Many were unknown to people in the next county and certainly the next state. Even those who played for nationally prominent programs or were All-Americans back in the day are now largely forgotten.
Most of those who played football over the years did so in obscurity, or their previous fame is now obscure. Still, some left a record of their football days in the form of Real Photo Postcards (RPPCs) or fancier postcards, so I'll periodically present their images here to make us aware of their glory days. And, even though most images will show those who played before teams huddled regularly, we'll refer to them in the Statue of Liberty's sense of The Huddle Masses.
Here is a collection of old-time teams that claimed championships.
An earlier Huddled Masses post is found here.
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Bring back the medical school football championship please and thank you.